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2024-2025 GLA_NPL Information

The Great Lakes Alliance, a US Club National Premier League, is currently in its seventh season covering Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Western New York, West Virginia as well as Western and Central Pennsylvania.

For the 2024-2025 season, Great Lakes Alliance will be a 10U to 19U regional soccer league for both boys and girls. 10Us through 14Us will begin play in the fall. 15Us to 19Us will begin after the high school season. The GLA has 2 divisions, GLA_NPL and GLA Premier for 10U to 19U. 

The GLA-NPL and GLA Premier will encompass teams from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Upstate New York as well as Central and Western Pennsylvania. The conferences will be divided geographically to try to minimize travel as much as possible. 

10Us through 14Us will play approximately a 15-game schedule throughout the year. We will be holding 2 GLA crossover weekends in the fall and 1 in the spring for 10U-12U. We will be holding 2 GLA crossover weekends in the fall and 2 in the spring for 13U-14U. 10U-12U teams will play 2 games a day and 13U-14U will play 1 game a day and those matches will all be against teams from the other conference. The other games will be self- scheduled matches. Top 4 teams per age group advance to the Championship weekend 1v4, 2v3 semifinals, then semi-final winners advance to championship game. 

The cost for 10U’s through 14U’s will be $1600 for the 2024-2025 fall and spring season. This will include 2 crossover events in the fall.  The 10’s through 12’s will have crossover in the spring and the 13’s and 14’s will have 2. (Field rental for the crossovers is included in the fees but referee fees are not.) The Fall crossover events will be in Canton and Hudson Ohio on September 7-8 and September 21-22 @ Batavia Sports Park, Batavia, NY or Warrior Soccer Complex, Dayton, Ohio. The spring crossovers will be in Canton, OH in March. 10U through 12U will be March 15-16. 13U-14U will be February 22-23 and March 22-23. These events will be your crossover games with the other Conference therefore they will be mandatory for all teams to attend and participate. 

15Us through 19Us will play an approximately 11 game schedule. We will be holding a 2-day Girls GLA_NPL College Showcase on March1-2 and a 2-day Boys GLA_NPL College Showcase on March 8-9. These teams will play 1 game a day. The Showcases will be for both the GLA_NPL and GLA Premier teams only. The other games will be self-scheduled matches. The top 2 teams from each Conference will advance to the championship weekend. 1st seed in one conference will play 2nd seed in the other conference in the semifinals. The semifinal winners advance to the championship game. 

The cost for 15U’s and 19U’s will be $1300 for the 2024-2025 season. This will include the GLA_NPL College Showcase in the spring. Field rental for the College Showcase is included in the fees but referee fees are not. 

The GLA Playoffs will be at HOF Village Sports Complex May 31 and June 1. The GLA-NPL Division Champions 13U to 19U will advance to the NPL Finals which will take place in late June or July in Commerce City, Colorado. GLA Premier Division Champions 13U to 19U will advance to the Midwest Regionals which will take place at Libertyville, Illinois in late June. 

I know there is a great deal of information here. Please feel free to call if there are any questions or if there is anything you don’t quite understand. 


Margaret Balodis
Ed Bernstein